Four Problems That Can Happen When Installing a New Water Heater
Think that installing a new water heater will go seamlessly? It's possible that you'll run into a few problems when trying to replace the old tank with a new one. Be prepared to deal with the following four issues.
The New Tank Is Too Short
One change that has been made to hot water heaters is that they have become shorter over the years. It is possible that you think you'll be able to swap your old one out for a new unit and all the pipes will line up in the right place. However, you may quickly discover that the new unit is much shorter than the old one. You'll need to extend all of the plumbing so that it extends farther down and connects to the tank.
The New Tank Is Too Wide
Another possibility is that your new tank is wider, and you have trouble getting into a place where the old one is located. This is common if you have a hot water tank powered by electricity, and it is located in a closet rather than a basement or garage. This problem may mean you are out of luck and need to get a tank that is the proper size for your space.
The New Tank Requires Electricity
There are a couple of instances where your new hot water heater will require electricity, and you may find yourself without an electrical outlet nearby to plug into. This is true if you are coming from a gas-powered water heater that simply never needed an electrical outlet. Your new unit may be one that runs off of electricity, or the new one may have a power vent on it that requires an electrically powered fan to operate. In either situation, you'll need to install an electrical outlet near your hot water heater in order for it to work.
The New Tank Requires a Gas Line
If you are looking to upgrade to a more efficient unit that runs on gas, you may find yourself in a situation where you do not have a natural gas line near the unit. This can lead to unanticipated costs associated with extending a gas line to the new water heater.
When you're worried about running into these types of problems, know that it may be best to have a professional help you out. Get in touch with a plumbing service like All Rooter Inc. that handles water heater replacement.