3 Troubleshooting Tips to Try Before You Call Your Toilet Repair Service
There are times when your toilet may be acting strangely. It may not be flushing totally, or it may sound like it has a leak or is running longer than it should. These issues are indicators that something is wrong either with the toilet itself or with the plumbing connected to the toilet. Before you call a toilet repair service, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. Here are three of them.
Check the Flapper Valves
If you notice a running water sound for a long time after you flush, or even off and on throughout the day, you may have a leak. The running water sound is due to the water that is leaking out of the overflow area. This can happen when the flapper valve is ripped or broken in some way. The first thing to do before calling your toilet repair service is check the flapper valve. If you notice that it is not sealing properly or there are other issues, you can replace the flapper with a kit purchased at your local hardware store. However, if you are not sure how to put one in, you may still have sealing issues. If the running water sounds and leaking continue, contact your toilet repair service to make sure it is your flapper and not another issue within the toilet itself.
Continuous Clogs
When you have a clogged toilet, you likely will use a plunger or similar method to clear the clog. In many cases, this will work to remove the clog and get you up and running again. If you have continuous clogs, there could be something more going on. If you have already completed the troubleshooting steps of using a plunger and flushing the line but still have ongoing issues, you may have a larger clog or mass in part of the toilet plumbing, or in a septic tank system if you are on a septic line. If you have had your septic tank pumped recently, then your clog may be further in the line and can cause seal cracks and plumbing leaks from the pressure of water trying to move around the clog. Your toilet repair service can clear this and check for plumbing repair needs as well.
Water Leaks around the Base
If you are having water leaks around the base of the toilet, you may be experiencing a simple issue with the seal. You can buy a seal and ring kit at your local hardware store. You will need to lift the toilet off the base to replace the kit. If you replace the seal and ring kit and still see water leaking from the area contact a toilet repair service immediately. This type of leak can be from a combination of issues that lead to large amounts of water loss per day and possible water damage.
If you have taken the troubleshooting steps mentioned here and nothing changes, you may have a major toilet repair issue. Contact your local toilet repair service provider for emergency repairs and scheduling.